Virtual Character Innovation Contest
Express your artistic and creative talents by reimagining original designs of Soli and Gini. Keep distinct features of Soli and encapsulate them in your own image while capturing a new spirit or develop a secondary imagination of Soli and Gini while staying true to their characters. Either way, show us your unique vision!
Registration deadline: 2020/1/24
Submission deadline: 2020/1/31
Results published: 2020/2/10


【Competition A】
Adjust the head-to-body ratio of the original version of Soli and use that as a prototype. Use your unique vision to reimagine the stylistically cute illustration of Soli.
Grand Prize
・Wacom Intuos Comfort Plus Medium (Bluetooth Digital Drawing Board)
・5, 000 NT
・SoliDesign Contract
Mastery Award
1, 000 NT
Superiority Award
500 NT
*Top 10 contestants thereafter receive Line stickers of Gini
*Reserved right to replace exact model of Grand Prize
【Competition B 】
Use the original vision of Soli and Gini as inspiration and carry out an alternative cute version. How this is done is totally at your discretion as all forms and styles are accepted i.e. illustration, freehand digital, graphics-based, four-frame comic, etc.
【Awards 】
Grand Prize Award
3, 000 NT
SoliDesign Contract
Mastery Award
1, 000 NT
Superiority Award
500 NT
*Top 10 participants receive Line stickers of Gini

Background Information of Soli and Gini

Female girl, mysterious, righteous, naive, ditzy

Robot, spirited, emotional, affectionate, bossy


林畹樺 (Lin Wanhua)、莊毅穎 (Zhuang Yiying)
11F-1, No. 356, Section 5, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.)